- 作者: 陈辛娅
- 来源: 投稿
- 2024-07-25
Soul Sisters
BFFs Forever
Unbreakable Bond
Dynamic Duo
Twin Flames
Mirror Images
Perfect Pair
Sisters by Choice
BFFs for Life
1. The Enchantresses:
- Anya (Russian for "grace")
- Celeste (Latin for "heavenly")
- Luna (Latin for "moon")
- Stella (Latin for "star")
2. The Divine Divas:
- Aphrodite (Greek goddess of beauty)
- Athena (Greek goddess of wisdom)
- Artemis (Greek goddess of the hunt)
- Hera (Greek goddess of marriage)
3. The Fierce Foursome:
- Raven (English for "black bird")
- Phoenix (Greek for "mythical bird")
- Valkyrie (Norse for "chooser of the slain")
- Siren (Greek for "mythical sea creature")
4. The Urban Elite:
- Harper (English for "harp player")
- Madison (English for "son of Matthew")
- Riley (Irish for "courageous")
- Sloane (English for "meadow")

Best BudsSoul Sisters
BFFs Forever
Dynamic Duo
Unbreakable Bond
Heart to Heart
Two Peas in a Pod
Partners in Crime
Sisters by Choice
BFFL (Best Friends for Life)
1. Unbreakable Queens (坚不可摧的女王)
2. Fearless Foursome (无畏的四人组)
3. Savage Sisters (野蛮姐妹)
4. Unstoppable Force (不可阻挡的力量)